Nothing To Do

Nothing To Do
by Douglas Wood
illustrated by Wendy Anderson Halperin
Dutton Children's Books

I must confess that a few days ago, despite the adage I've heard ALL my life, I judged a book by its cover.  I assumed Nothing To Do would be a cute little story of kids complaining all summer of being bored--BUT I'm delighted to tell you I was completely wrong in that assumption.

Nothing To Do is all about the delight of a "white, empty space on the calendar."  Ah.  Doesn't that just make you sigh?!  As a busy mama, I am sometimes so relieved to have absolutely nothing planned. 

"No school. No homework. No Little League. No dance class.  No play rehearsal. No soccer practice. No computer camp...No anything!"

I found myself smiling (and maybe a little misty eyed) as I read this.  It brought back the joy of childhood and all the super fun things you can do and imagine with absolutely no planning required like "...climbing a good tree that's been waiting all its long life just to be climbed by you." 

Nothing To Do is the perfect summer read.  Kids and parents will enjoy the dreamy tone and the fun illustrations!  Go grab it from the library or buy it below!

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