Author Interview: Maddie Ryan

I'm thrilled that I was able to interview author Maddie Ryan recently.  Ms. Ryan is the author of Pippy's Wish, a middle grade book about a disastrous (but well-meaning) little angel.

What inspired you to write your first book?
A contest hosted by the Humane Society and first prize was a $25.00 gift certificate. I wrote a romance about two horses that fall in love during a race—the filly won the race and the stud, and I won the gift certificate. I was in eighth grade at the time.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 
My first goal is for readers to enjoy Pippy’s adventures. I’ve heard from many readers who shared moments (messages) in the book that resonated with them and that’s a bonus for any writer. I think Pippy represents hope, compassion, humor even when things in your life go south, and the unique qualities every person possesses. The one message that I hope readers grasp is that it’s great to wish for things you really want, but along with reaching out and following your heart’s desire (dreams/wishes), there’s a lot of responsibility and a learning curve to reach our goals.

What book are you reading now? 
The Barber's Conundrum and Other Stories: Observations on Life from the Cheap Seats by John Hartnett

What book character do you most relate to? 
I would love to say Lucy, and I think there is some Lucy in me (Lucille Ball as well), but I relate to Pippy the most. I totally get her. For example: I couldn’t focus or sit still in math and science classes, I was too busy daydreaming about the books I’ve read, wanted to read and wanted to write about. Occupational hazard for any writer.

Pippy rocks out the bright colors--do you dress wild and crazy too? 
I don’t know if you’d call it wild and crazy…well, my outfits I wear to the gym and yoga, yes, okay, they are a bit wild and crazy. I love artistic handmade jewelry that doesn’t match anything I’m wearing and pairing jeans with brightly colored tops. I would say my wardrobe is as eclectic as my taste in books.

Do you have a Lucy in your life? 
Many women throughout my life have had different aspects of Lucy’s personality—compassion, understanding, strength, positive spirit, confidence and best of all they get me, love me and my quirks; from my mom, my sister, kindergarten teacher, highland dance instructor and girlfriends. I’m still blessed to be surrounded by women like this and I hope I bring some “Lucy” into their lives as well.

Do you have any advice for other writers? 
Write what you yourself would love to read and write from your heart. Pour it all out there, then when it’s time to edit, do it with your head and your ego locked up in the closet.

What were your favorite books as a kid? 
These books flash into my mind when asked this question: Anne of Green Gables, Angela of Angel Court, Little Women, Roald Dahl’s books, Jane Austin’s novels.

What is the best writer's conference you've been to and why? 
The last book related event I attended was Book Expo in New York City. Besides the fact that it’s New York City, diamond capital for publishing, it’s after all New York, a city I love to visit mainly because a good friend of mine, fellow author, Michelina Pagano lives there and I get to visit her and I fell in love with the city’s energy, not to mention the museums, live theaters and fabulous restaurants. Book Expo also introduced me to new authors and authors that I’ve read and enjoyed meeting in person.

Maddie Ryan enjoys creating characters that fly by the seat of their pants without a safety net. It is the kind of free living that will entertain readers of all ages. Maddie Ryan spins her fascination with life’s quirky happenings into comical adventures. Ms. Ryan is also a multi-published author of adult fiction, writing under a different pen name. You can join Maddie Ryan's Facebook group at:  You can also find her at

The fabulous Maddie Ryan is so generous to offer TWO oppurtunities to win Pippy's Wish!

  Giveaway for US or Canadian residents: a Rafflecopter giveaway International Giveaway: a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you don't win,  no worries!  You can purchase Pippy's Wish below:

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