Tea Party

The Cates family loves tea parties.  In fact, last year my baby girl hosted one for her birthday.

They are fun and girly and just plain delightful.  That being said, I'm not sure how many more chances I'll have to give and/or attend tea parties.  I have a feeling my sons won't be all about finger foods and lace.

Little girls and big girls love a good tea party though.  If they didn't, there wouldn't be so many great books about them!

These are some of my favorites:

*I must confess that these choices are not completely unbiased. Ame Dyckman and Molly Idle are two fabulous ladies that write amazing books. If you haven't read their other books, including Boy + Bot and Flora the Flamingo, you need to run right out and grab them!! RUN, don't walk! You can also follow them on Twitter at @amedyckman and @mollyidle !

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