The Broke and the Bookish challenged me to think of books from childhood I'd like to read again as an adult. I'm warning you ahead of time that I use the term childhood loosely...anytime before I left home for college will heretofore be known as childhood...
And with that legality out of the way, here's my list!
Wuthering Heights
by Emily Bronte
Oh, how I love this book. Love, hate, betrayal, and passion set in moors. I'm pretty sure this will always be among my favorite books. I read it every few years and I'm always amazed to find that I love it just as much as ever.
A Wrinkle in Time
by Madeline L'Engle
I had not thought of this book in ages...and then I read When You Reach Me and I've been dying to read the classic again!
The Witches
by Roald Dahl
I still remember discovering this book on the shelves of my school library. It is one of the only books that I really, really didn't want to turn in! And that's how I became a die hard Dahl fan (for life!)
Sense and Sensibility
by Jane Austen
Sometimes I am amazed that the saccharine sweetness of Austen continues to be so popular...and then I read one of the lovelies and remember all the clever comments hidden amidst those pages and I fall in love all over again with Mr. Darcy Jane Austen's books. I haven's read Sense and Sensibility in quite a while and I seem to remember loving to the practical Elinor Dashwood.
The Chosen
by Chaim Potok
I read this is ninth grade and I remember the basic storyline--and that I really enjoyed it--but I don't remember details. I have it on my shelf and need to pull it out for a re-read!
The Westing Game
by Ellen Raskin
I found this book in a box I got from my parents when they moved recently. I recognize the cover and I know it's mine, but can't remember the story at all. Ugh. Getting older, I guess?! Anyway, I liked it enough to keep it, so I'm going to read this one again!
The Princess Bride
by William Goldman
This is one of the few books whose movie adaptation is just as good as the book. That might be because I saw the movie before I read the book, but I love them both like crazy! I think this would be a fun one to read with my daughter over the summer.
by Roald Dahl
I know I already told you I love Roald Dahl, but my love wouldn't be complete without Matilda. Everyone can relate to sweet Matilda...and book nerds can relate even more. This is one of those books that reminded me that I wasn't alone. Absolutely love this book and could probably read it over and over...again and again.