The Belong Tour

This post contains affiliate links. I was provided a free ticket in exchange for my review.

The Belong Tour #mustsee #jenhatmaker #nicolenordeman #the4500

People!  I spent last weekend at the Belong Tour with speakers like Jen Hatmaker and Shauna Niequist! Amazing is an understatement!  This is the first year for this conference and I certainly hope it won't be the last.

What It Is

The Belong Tour is a 12 City Movement drawing women from all arenas of life into conversations that bring meaning, hope, and connection.  The entire theme of the weekend was finding your purpose.  It was inspirational on so many levels. My heart thumped a little harder--and I'm still not sure whether it was from the amazing words, the laughter, the music, or the unexpected workout!

The People

These speakers and artists are so down to earth and present truth and life application. They are extremely talented and have over 30 books between them!  I, of course, couldn't pass up the opportunity to share a few of my faves with you!

Patsy Clairmont

Angela Davis
Angela has an awesome new DVD coming out that you MUST get! She is a motivator, y'all!  

Jen Hatmaker

Sharon Irving

Shauna Niequist

Nichole Nordeman

Johnny Swim

Upcoming Events

The Belong Tour is probably coming to a city near you, and I'm telling you, you WANT to be there!!! Head over to their website to order your ticket now--and don't forget to use coupon code SAVING available to all Big Hair and Books readers!

You will hear about how to Open Your Heart, Experience Connection, and Find Your Purpose! It's called BELONG because you DO!

Me and @jenhatmaker ...just hanging out at the #belongtour ❤️ Be sure to check the dates in a city near you!! #the4500 #jenhatmaker #forthelove #dallas #AAC
A photo posted by Rosemond Cates (@rosemondcates) on

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