
Friday, January 31, 2014

Chocolate or Books?!

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When most of us think of February 14th, we think of Valentines, romance, roses, and yes, chocolate. But when book lovers think of February 14th, we think of the Cybils and of book giving!  (I totally think you can be a book lover AND eat chocolate, by the way!)  You can check out the official website HERE !

Here is a fabulous poster by Mariann Maray:

I first eyed this beauty on my pal, Jen Robinson's page.  (If you don't read her blog, you really should!  Check it out HERE )

I found this cute idea for wrapping books at Design Sponge.  How adorable is this:

So give a book (...or 2...or 3...) to your loves this Valentines Day.  They will love it!  And you might even throw in some chocolate!  

The Day It Rained Hearts - a Valentine's picture bookThe Biggest Valentine Ever - a Valentine's picture bookThe Valentine Bears - a Valentine's picture book

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