
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Top 10 Characters I want to be BFF's with...

Do you ever read a book and just really connect with a specific character?  Like really connect?! Like maybe it's a bit unhealthy?!  No?  Um, me neither...

But if I did...

Some characters I connect with because they are so much like me (like Claire below)...and some I connect with because they are so delightfully unlike me (like Scarlet below)!

This is my list of saints and sinners that would make up my circle of friends!

Book characters I want to be best friends with BFF

Y'all already know about my love for Lenny and Eva, right?!

Please note that these are my "grown up" friends--I would have a totally different list of kid friends from my fave picture books and chapter books! (Some of those would include  Matilda, Pippy Longstocking, Ramona, and Karen Kepplewhite)

So here are my sometimes virtuous, sometimes irreverent, totally fun chosen circle of friends:

from Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

(love this from GEPL Teen!  Click the image to visit their Tumblr)

She is lovely in a not so ordinary way.  She is smart, and troubled, and lovely.  We could definitely hang out!

Dorian Gray
from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

A handsome, fun-loving guy with no regard for rules...or others.

Claire Waverly (and also her kooky Aunt Evanelle)
from Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen

A loyal, hard-working gal who loves tradition and her family fiercely.  And she's a bit of mystic.  I relate so much to what she values and her reactions to people!

Scarlett O'Hara
from Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

I added Scarlet mainly because she's so funny...and because I'm a little scared not to be her friend!

from The Devil in the Junior League by Linda Francis Lee

Sassy, sassy, sassy!  This girl is southern to the bone.  She knows the rules, but disregards them whenever she wants!  I love her big personality.

from The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Skeeter is my homegirl.  She is smart, has uncontrollable hair, and a heart for people.  She loves to write and doesn't mind taking some risks for what is right.  AND, you've gotta respect anyone willing to make a "typo" that results in a gazillion potties on a mean old heifer's lawn!

Anne Shirley
from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

We are totally kindred spirits and could definitely act out some plays together...and perhaps get in a bit of trouble!  I would never, ever call her Carrots!

(She might not want to be my friend if I flirted with Gilbert too much, crush on him has endured through adulthood!)

from The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker

Truly is the wonderful kind of odd girl that I feel so attracted to in a friend!  She is loyal and loving, but also smart...I'm a sucker for that perfect combination of kind and smart.

John the Baptist
from The Holy Bible

This dude is so strange.  He eats bugs and hangs out with Jesus and loves God.  He has always intrigued me, and I think we could hang out...but I would bring the snacks.

Lord Goring
from An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde

I'm a sucker for a witty hottie, especially one that is secretly respectable.

Bonus friends--you are really gonna want them at your party!

Emma, Lizzie, and all the delicious hunks from all the wonderful Jane Austen books

These ladies know how to throw a party, play whist, and reel in the hotties. They are assets to any circle of friends!

from Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. 

What's a group of friends without a cute, passionate, troubled rule breaker with no regard for social mores?!

Bridget Jones
from Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding 

...because she's awkward and quirky enough to add humor to any get together. Plus, you never know when she'll mistakenly show up in costume!

So I'm dying to know who would make your list?!  Leave me a comment and let me know!


  1. I completely agree with you on Anne. She was amazing. I loved that book, and the movies! :)

    New follower,

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

    1. Thanks for following along, Whitney! Anne has been a long time fave of mine! Glad you love her too!!!

  2. This list is amazing! I am definitely hanging out with you :))
    But seriously, I agree about Scarlet, i would definitely keep on her good side!
    Thanks for sharing this lovely post on Kidlit Bloghop! Hope you can join us again next week.
    -Reshama @ Stackingbooks

  3. I had to giggle the other day when this first popped up since it seems we had JUST talked about "saints and sinners" on Monday night. ;-) It's funny: I'm pretty sure I remember you reading Picture of Dorian Gray in college....I don't know why, but I def have always associated that book with you. I actually have never read it, nor many of the other ones on your list. You can be my library booklist inspiration!!

    1. I am not surprised you think of me! I was (and still am) fascinated by that book. Oscar Wilde will always be a favorite!!

  4. Haha definitely bring your own snacks when you hang out with John the Baptist!

    1. Lol! Exactly! Locusts aren't really my thing!

  5. I'm totally with you on Anne Shirley :) Am in the middle of watching the DVD collection!


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