
Monday, May 12, 2014

Princess Ponies: A Magical Friend

Princess Ponies:  A Magical Friend
by Chloe Ryder
published by Bloomsbury

The Blurb

On an enchanted island, far, far away, princess ponies can talk and play. Eight golden horseshoes give the ponies their magic, but when the shoes go missing from the castle, only a true pony lover can save the princesses and their home.

A Magical Friend
Pippa loves ponies, but she’s never had one of her own. Then one summer day, magical seahorses take Pippa to an island where ponies can talk. The first pony she meets is Princess Stardust and they become friends right away. When Pippa learns about the missing horseshoes, she wants to help save the pony island. But Stardust is a trouble maker and she just wants to play. Can Pippa and Stardust work together to find the golden horseshoes?

My Two Cents

This book really cute...just what little girls love!  Pippa, an adorable lead character, ponies, magic, and friendship!  This is a great book to gift AND the second book in the series just released in March!  

The Giveaway

Mother Daughter Book Reviews is hosting a giveaway hop in conjunction with Children's Book Week! My giveaway is below, as well as a list of all the other fun blogs participating!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Must-Read Monday Linky


  1. I'm sure lots of the girls in my class would love to read this book! Thanks for linking up this week. :)

    Teaching Maddeness

    1. It is very cute for younger middle grade readers! Hope you like it! And thanks for hosting the link up! =)

      I would love for you to join us tomorrow for the Way Back Wednesday link up!

  2. We love books at our house!

  3. Aww...can't really go wrong with enchanted ponies for little girls, can you? I have a friend whose daughter would love this!

  4. Exactly, marveloustales!! My daughter saw it and immediately picked it up!

  5. The little girls in my class love this book!

  6. Magic, enchantment and a girl named Pippa. Sounds like a winner to me! :) Thanks for the giveaway, Rosemond!


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