
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Way Back Wednesday: Caps For Sale

Caps For Sale
by Esphyr Slobodkina
published by Harper Festival

I don't ever remember reading this classic as a kid.  I love it as an adult, though.  And it makes my little guys giggle.  Who wouldn't enjoy a story filled with monkey business?!

As an adult, I find that one of my favorite parts of the book is the dedication:

Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina

It is just so sweet and simple, and it commemorates a love that has passed on.  Memories are so special.  (Insert sappy soundtrack here.)  Ok, y'all already knew I was a big ole' mushy-hearted gal, what did you expect?!

And, of course, the illustrations are incredibly fun!  This one's my favorite:

Caps for Sale illustration

Please disregard the horribly bitten fingernail in the above photo.  That's how I roll...and we are all friends here... (not pictured:  pajamas, frizzy hair, and incredibly messy house)

If, like me, you missed this one as a kid, go check it out at your local library and read it to your kids.  You will both have a smashing good time!



I still have an awesome giveaway!  Enter to Win!

Bloggers:  Next week is the Way Back Wednesday Link Up!  

I'd love to have you join me!


1 comment:

  1. I read this book to my first grader and he loved it! Thanks for sharing.


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