
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top 10 Bookish Goals for 2015

So the Broke and the Bookish always has such fun ideas for the Top 10 Tuesday meme.  This week they have challenged us to post our Top 10 Bookish Goals for the upcoming year.  So here are mine!

1.   No more late fines at the library--seriously!  We always have a gazillion books and sometimes mama forgets to get them back on time.  Oops...

2.   Purge.  I don't want to do this, but I really need to.  I have soooo many books right now.

3.   Read more YA.  I always like the YA books I read, I just want to read more of them!

4.   Read a new series.  It's been a while since I've read a series I just couldn't put down...

5.   Get to read bestselling, award winning books before they are picked up by a publisher while helping authors with my editing services.

6.   Read at least half of my current TBR.  I say current because that list grows!

7.   Re-read some classics that I love.

8.   Read more simply for pleasure.

9.   Find some awesome new bookmarks so I will stop dog-earring my pages.  {I'm so ashamed}

10.  Read to my kids every day!


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