
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What I Learned in March

I have never been so happy to see Spring coming!  I really, really needed the sunshine.  I thought winter would never end and I feel like there are lessons coming every day.  And I'm tired.  I'm kinda done with learning this month.  D-O-N-E.  God is teaching me big lessons though...and sometimes those hurt a bit.

I have learned that reconciliation can happen in relationships you value.  It is slow.  It is emotional. And, by the grace of God, it can happen. Conversely, I have learned that you can know someone your whole life and not know them at all.  It is heartbreaking when you discover that someone you would rush into a burning building for would not come close to anything similar.  And while this hurts, it is nice to know who you can count on in this life.  Sometimes you have to let go, and letting go doesn't come easily for me.  I am loyal to a fault.  TO A FAULT.

I have learned that I love Melanie Shankle and her hilarious sense of humor.  I have not laughed as hard in a long time.  Reading The Antelope in the Living Room was surely one of the highlights of my month.  I have just started reading Sparkly Green Earrings--it's about parenting, while The Antelope in the Living Room is about marriage.  Her new book is releasing soon, so I have to catch up! She makes you laugh out loud.  My husband, mother, and sister have all had to endure me reading portions aloud (but I think they kinda liked it!)

 romaine lettuce from scraps
While I was prepping to plant my tiny little garden, I learned that you can grow romaine lettuce from the stubby end you cut off.  Now some of you may be thinking I'm a moron for not knowing that-but I didn't.  I do now though!!  I was so happy to add crispy, green lettuce in my planting box!

I have learned that there can be true community and love in a group of women that you have never even met.  The 4500 women that I am sharing my life with are "my people" as Jen Hatmaker says!  I have encouraged others and been mightily ministered to myself.  I am so thankful to be among those amazing women who speak truth into one another.  They are brave and bare their souls and I think we have all been a bit surprised to see that all of our deepest hurts and concerns are not so different.  We are all jacked up and honest about's my kind of group!

Now tell me...what have you learned this month?

Thanks to Chatting the Sky for post inspiration!!

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