
Monday, September 21, 2015

Book Haul

Big Hair and Books Book Haul #mustread #amreading

If :  Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilites by Mark Batterson #mustread #Christian #if #circlemakerIf  :  Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities
by Mark Batterson
published by Baker Books

I just found out I was chosen for Mark's launch team and I am super excited to read this book and share it with y'all.  This guy is awesome and relateable.  This one is going to be fabulous!

Milo Speck, Accidental Agent

by Linda Urban
published by HMH Books for Young Readers

It's no secret that I'm a big Linda Urban fan!  If she writes a new version of the phone book, I will read it bacause she will have managed to somehow make it lovely.  

Out of Sorts by Sarah Bessey #mustread #Christian #JesusFeministOut of Sorts 
by Sarah Bessey
published by Howard Books

Oh, Sarah Bessey, how I love you.  I have added you to my BFF list along with Jen Hatmaker and Jenny Simmons and Beth Moore.  We are having a pretend slumber party soon to talk about ALL THE THINGS! 

The Terrible Two Get Worse by Jory John and Mac Barnett

The Terrible Two Get Worse
by Jory John & Mac Barnett
illustrated by Kevin Cornell
published by Amulet Books

So if Sarah Bessey is my pretend BFF, Jory John and Mac Barnett are the pretend Joey and Chandler to my Phoebe.  I just want to hang with them and mock stuff...

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