
Friday, January 30, 2015

What I Learned in January

What We Learned in January 2015
Chatting at the Sky hosts a link each month to share what you've learned.  I haven't linked up since April!!!  Yikes!  Does that mean I haven't learned anything?  No.  But some things are to be left to the imagination!

What I learned in January:

1.  I love getting books from publishers, authors, and publicists more than almost anything.  Seriously, when the UPS man show up, it is like Christmas morning--except it happens 3-4 times a week!  It is seriously good for the soul!

2.  I thought I would be ashamed to like Taylor Swift at my age, but I'm totally not.  This Album is kinda great!  And the best part of me knowing her songs is that I can sing along with the absolute most fantastic 10 year old daughter ever!

3.  I really have great family and great friends.  When life is kind of stinky, they are there to help, pray with me, laugh with me, and just be there.  They get in your business, they hold you accountable, and they are there for comic relief! I'm so thankful for my real peeps, because, sadly, not everyone is real.

4.  I am stronger than me because I have the power of Him in me.  I've always known this, but sometimes God gives me the opportunity to put it into practice.  Most of the time, these "opportunities" suck.  But I'm learning to put "Counting it all as joy" into practice.

5.  I am twelve.  Not really, but I love the same kind of books twelve year old me loved.  Their are so many lovely coming of age middle grade novels out right now and I just adore them!

 Fleabrain Loves FrannyThe Time of the Fireflies by Kimberley Griffiths Little

6.  The names (and colors!) of all of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I've accepted my role as a boy mom now that I'm living with pretend sewer-dwellers that fight and "ninja" one another more often than not...
7.  Amazon offers groceries.  For real, y'all.  I may never go to the grocery store again!  I'm busy thinking of all the things I can order as opposed to hauling to and from my car--and the price is fantastic!  With so many deals for free shipping, I'm thinking this is definitely awesome!!

8.  Sometimes in life you have to be aggressive and ask for what you want.  I am THE MOST non-confrontational person you will ever meet, so this isn't always easy for me. Seriously.  I recently realized I hadn't been paid by one of my affiliate providers, so I "chatted" with them online...cause that's a thing now.  I had to actually be persistent about what I wanted.  The squeaky wheel really does get the grease!

What about you?  Did you learn anything wonderful this month?  Share it with me!

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