
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

5 Wishes I Want the Book Genie to Grant

Book Genie

Those fun gals at the Broke and the Bookish challenged me to come up with some wishes I'd want granted from the Book Genie. I am such a nice gal...and this is my first time to find the lamp of the Book Genie...and long story short, I'm getting 5 wishes instead of 3 because this is make-believe and I totally can!  So here goes!

Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be In This Book) by Julie Falatko1.  I would want Snappsy the Alligator to be in my hands RIGHT NOW.  I know it is hitting the shelves in just a few months, but my patience is wearing thin.  I am such a huge fan of Julie Falatko and I can't wait to see her book baby in print--and in my hands!  
2.  I would want a sequel to Rainbow Rowell's Eleanor and Park. Also, it must be just as epic.

3.  I would want to know ahead of time if I will love a book.  My time is precious and I would love to know if I shouldn't bother reading something that's sub-par.

4.  I would want to speed up my education on writing and publishing and honing in on this craft of writing.  Heck, since it's make-believe, I will just say I would want mastery of this craft.  

5.  I would want to have the contact info for all authors publishing books and the ability to chat with them as a friend.  Some people are unaware of how terrible their covers are. They are unaware of how terrible their editing is.  They are unaware. I would want to be a fairy godmother to them and point them in the right direction.

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