
Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Night with Jenny Simmons

A Night with Jenny Simmons #AddisonRoad #JennySimmons #TheRoadtoBecoming #booklaunch

Jenny Simmons performs at a home concert #AddisonRoad #TheRoadtoBecoming
I had the opportunity to host Jenny Simmons, the lead singer of Addison Road, in our home for a private concert.  Though Jenny and I attended Baylor University at the same time, we didn't know one another...I met her recently when I became a member of her book launch team.  She mentioned that she would be in the Dallas area for a show and we hatched a plan for a little concert in my living room! Several members of her book launch team attended as well as many friends.  

Jenny read excerpts of her lovely new book, The Road to Becoming, as well as singing some amazing songs.  The whole night--from the huge spread of food to the feeling in the room--was wonderful.  I have no doubt that each person in the room walked away refreshed...and quite full!  If you haven't read Jenny's wonderful book yet, please do.  It is heartfelt and lovely, just like its author.

The Road to Becoming ny Jenny Simmons

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